Google 釋出 Gmail 2.0 版更新,支援多帳號登入、新界面

Google 今天釋出 Apple iOS 版「Gmail - email from Google」2.0 版更新,加入了多項新功能,和重新設計了更簡潔的郵件信箱操作界面。支援多帳號登入、輸入搜尋預測、無限滾動收件夾、回應 Google 日曆邀請和互動 Google+ 訊息。 

2.0 版本的新內容 

- Multiple account support
- App redesigned with a new, cleaner look
- Search predictions as you type
- Infinite scrolling inbox
- Respond to Google Calendar invites inline
- Interactive Google+ posts support
- New welcome experience

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